School Expectations

On the Yard

  • We will exit and enter the yard with staff.
  • We will play within our assigned play zone.
  • We will keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
  • We will use kind language on the yard.
  • We will play safely with peers.
  • We will respect the school equipment, sun shelter, fences, sports equipment and return it to its place in the class/school.
  • We will ask permission to enter the school and use the washroom.
  • We will line up immediately in our zones when the bell sounds.


During Nutrition Breaks & Indoor Recess

  • We will stay sitting in our assigned seats.
  • We will raise our hand and ask the lunch duty  supervisor for permission to leave our assigned seat.
  • We will not share food due to allergies.
  • We will wait for the duty supervisor to give  the 5 minute warning signal.
  • We will clean up our own eating/activity area, and take our garbage home.
  • We will be dismissed by the duty supervisor.
  • We will use our indoor voices and manners. 
  • Do not comment on what others are eating or not eating; look after yourself.

Electronic Devices at School

  • We will leave our electronic devices (phones) in our backpacks and we do not use any electronic devices without a teacher's permission.
  • We will not take ANY  photos, videos  or use social media in the school or at recess.
  • We are responsible for our electronic devices and the school is not responsible if they are stolen or lost.
  • We will allow any staff member to monitor  our electronic device when they suspect inappropriate use.

Transition Expectations in the Learning Environment

  • We will line up and leave the doors clear until a staff member asks us to enter the building.
  • We will enter & exit the school using the assigned door.
  • We will quietly enter the school and our classroom when invited  in by our teacher.
  • We will respect the learning environment of others by moving quietly through the school.
  • We will quietly move in single file, facing forward, on the right side of the hall.
  • We will respect students' displays and we will not touch items or work on the bulletin boards or walls.
  • We will be dismissed by the teacher, using the bell only as a guide.

In an Assembly

  • We move quietly in single file, facing forward, on the right side when entering and exiting.
  • We sit flat on the floor in our assigned classroom area.
  • We are ready to listen and be respectful.
  • We respect the speaker of the assembly by listening and clapping at the appropriate time. (no noises)
  • We raise our hand to signal we are listening.
  • We remain seated until we are dismissed and exit in the established order.